MSEM students practice instructor 'preach' of environmental sustainability

Student project consistent with Riverkeeper Gallay 'green' priorities lesson

Triple Bottom Line

Triple Bottom Line

Tasked this fall by Environmental Sustainability and Risk Analysis instructor Alan Rossner, four MSEM students presented a convincing analysis to their corporate administrators in a "Water Saving Measures" report. As a result of this class project, their company plans to invest in replacing existing bathroom fixtures with new automatic efficient units for a 70% reduction in water usage at the student's home-base facility.

MSEM instructor and Riverkeeper Paul Gallay

MSEM instructor and Riverkeeper Paul Gallay

This student project puts into practice the 'green' priorities laid out by MSEM instructor and Riverkeeper Paul Gallay in Beacon this past weekend at the launch of his  course in Business and Environmental Law. Gallay's instruction stressed the importance of energy efficient retrofits, solar roofs and inner city revitalization projects to create value and energize the job engine.